Saturday, May 14, 2011

Australian Development Scholarships (ADS)

Australian Development Scholarships (ADS) are administered by the Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID). ADS provides opportunities to people from many developing countries to study in Australia. The purpose of the scholarships is for people to gain knowledge and skills that will contribute to the long-term development of their country. The scholarships are available to those employed in government and non-government sectors to study at Masters or Postgraduate Diploma level in Australia.


 Click here to download Information Brochure
 Click here to download Application Form
 Click here to download Australia Awards Handbook
ADS in Cambodia
The ADS program was introduced to Cambodia in 1994 under an agreement with the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) as part of Australia’s diverse bilateral development-cooperation program. In 2011 AusAID will offer:
  • 20 ADS Public sector category scholarships to Cambodians employed by Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC) Ministries and Agencies; and
  • 30 ADS Open category scholarships to Cambodians employed in a relevant field.
Eligibility Criteria
For all ADS applicants:
  • Cambodian citizen and resident
  • Non-resident of Australia or New Zealand
  • Not married to/or defacto of, or engaged to, Australian or New Zealand citizen or resident
  • Not hold or have held an Australian Government-funded scholarship in the preceding 12 months at time of application
  • Not already be studying at an Australian institution at the time of application
  • Possess a Bachelors degree considered equivalent to an Australian Bachelors degree
  • No prior postgraduate study in an industrialised country
  • Must be under 42 years of age at time of application
  • Have appropriate work background for proposed field of study
  • Demonstrate a strong commitment to the development of Cambodia

 For ADS Public sector category applicants:
  •  Either:
       o At time of application, have at least two years full-time experience with, and be a current full-time employee of, an RGC Ministry*; or
       o At time of application, have at least five years full-time experience with, and be currently employed on a full-time basis by, a government authority, agency or institution established by Royal Decree or Subdecree. Employment tenure may be on a term-contract basis*
  • Must possess advanced English skills (IELTS results of 5.0 with no band below 4.0) subject to testing which can be undertaken after applications have been submitted^
  • If selected, must commit to return to work for the relevant Ministry/Agency for  a minimum period of two years on completion of studies

 For ADS Open category applicants:
  • At time of application, have three years full-time work experience* in a relevant field
  • Must possess advanced English skills (IELTS results of 5.5 for men and 5.0 for women with no band below 4.5) subject to testing which can be undertaken after applications have been submitted<^
  • If selected, commit to return to work in a position that utilises skills for a minimum period of two years on completion of studies

 * Applicants must provide evidence of employment duration. If an applicant has been employed at more than one workplace during the relevant experience period, evidence from each employer during that period is required. Uninterrupted employment (without “gaps” between employment) is highly desirable, and some applicants may be ruled ineligible or uncompetitive if interruptions to employment are identified and not explained.

^ Some applicants may be required to sit an IELTS test following interview in order to demonstrate English proficiency.
Selection Criteria
Eligible applicants are measured against the following selection criteria:
  • Demonstrated employment and contribution in at least one of the following AusAID priority areas:
        o Agriculture and Rural Development
        o Health
        o Infrastructure
        o Law and Justice
    (Consideration will also be given to applicants with relevant experience in the cross-cutting priority areas of: Public Financial Management, Gender Equality, Aid Effectiveness, Social Services, Disability and Child Protection)
  • Alignment of employment and anticipated study with the specific focus of the Australia Cambodia Country Program Strategy
  • Demonstrated academic merit during previous university studies
  • Relevance of academic background to proposed study in Australia
  • Relevance of work background to proposed study in Australia
  • Demonstrated awareness of issues related to the development of Cambodia
  • Stated personal commitment and potential contribution to development in Cambodia

Note: Applicants who are employed by the RGC or associated agencies may apply for either Public or Open category. The Open category is open to all Cambodians.

Short-listed candidates will be interviewed with questions related to the Selection Criteria above. The interviews probe each candidate in depth to determine the final list of awardees. A candidate’s English may be tested again to confirm eligibility. For public sector category awardees, final selection must be approved by the relevant RGC Ministry/Agency.
Level and Length of Study
Scholarships are available for postgraduate study by coursework (i.e. Graduate Diploma and Masters degrees). Degrees take one to two years of full-time study in Australia. Scholarships are not available for undergraduate or research degrees.
Candidates may be required to successfully complete pre-departure English for Academic Purposes training for 6–12 months in Phnom Penh before studying in Australia. Those awardees who do not reach the required level of English at the end of their pre-departure training, as assessed by IELTS testing, will not be permitted to take up the scholarship in Australia.
Note: The ADS program does not support applicants who already hold postgraduate degrees from industrialised countries.
Fields of Study
Applicants can propose up to two Australian universities and two fields of study that are relevant to the needs of their Ministry/Agency or workplace. Applicants should consider their choices carefully as course admission requirements (including English proficiency) vary between Australian universities.
Priority will be given to applicants who can demonstrate and clearly explain the relevance of their proposed studies to AusAID’s Country Program Strategy. Applicants should inform themselves about the specific focus within each of AusAID’s priority areas. Priority areas are:
  • Agriculture and Rural Development
  • Health
  • Infrastructure
  • Law and Justice
Consideration will also be given to applicants with relevant experience in the cross-cutting priority areas of:  Public Financial Management, Gender Equality, Aid Effectiveness, Social Services, Disability and Child Protection.
Scholarship Entitlements
The award covers:
  • Pre-departure training
  • Student visa expenses
  • A single return airfare to Australia
  • Tuition and other compulsory academic fees
  • Basic health insurance
  • An establishment allowance and an ongoing contribution to living expenses for the student only. No additional financial support is available for the student’s family, and all costs for accompanying family members must be paid by the student personally
Pre-departure Training
Most candidates are required to undertake pre-departure training prior to postgraduate studies. In recognition of this, the Australian Government pays these candidates a stipend that is calculated according to whether part- or full-time pre-departure training is required. Provincial candidates may be eligible for a relocation allowance to Phnom Penh to attend training.
Some applicants may be required to sit an IELTS test following interview. At the completion of the training all awardees will sit an IELTS test and must reach a minimum IELTS result of 6.5 with no band less than 6.0 to meet both visa and university requirements.
Scholarship Conditions
Applicants who are offered an ADS scholarship will be asked to sign a statement declaring that they will comply with the conditions of the scholarship. The conditions ensure that AusAID, the awardee’s workplace and the student gain the maximum benefit from the scholarship.
Conditions include:
  • Satisfactory academic progress and full-time university enrolment
  • Compliance with all student visa conditions and university regulations
  • Return to Cambodia upon the completion of scholarship
  • Restrictions in eligibility to return to Australia within two years of completion of scholarship
  • Understanding and agreement that the Australian Government is not responsible for a candidate’s actions (or those of their dependents) whilst they are in Australia
  • Full cooperation with AusAID’s monitoring and evaluation of the ADS program, including participation in activities such as surveys and tracer studies
ADS awardees who do not meet the conditions will be required to leave Australia, and may be required to repay the value of the scholarship.
Provincial Information Sessions
Scholarship Information Sessions for provincial candidates will be held in the following 5 provinces:
  • Kampong Cham: on Thursday, 28 April 2011 at 2:00pm at Western University
  • Sihanoukville: on Friday, 29 April 2011 at 2:00pm at University of Management and Economics
  • Svay Rieng: on Tuesday, 3 May 2011 at 9:00am at University of Svay Rieng
  • Battambang: on Thursday, 5 May 2011 at 9:00am at University of Battambang
  • Siem Reap: on Friday, 6 May 2011 at 9:00am at Build Bright University and at 2:00pm at Pannasastra University of Cambodia
Interested candidates from provinces are welcome to attend any of these sessions and receive application forms with free of charge.
For further information, please contact:
IDP Education (Cambodia)NÂș 46, Street 214, Boeung Raing,
Khan Daun Penh P.O. Box 860,
Phnom Penh, Cambodia
Tel: (855) 23 212 113 / (855) 23 215 227
Fax: (855 23) 426 608

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