Learn to Empower Yourself to Achieve Success
Training Course for Undergraduate Students
This course can help prepare you to successfully obtain a job after Graduation

Learn to Empower Yourself to Achieve Success is a 10 days training course designed for undergraduate students to prepare them to be successful in getting jobs after their graduation from the university. The course aims to achieve this feat by strengthening/enhancing the students’ knowledge, skills and attitudes/behaviors. After the completion of this course, participants will feel more confident about themselves because of the knowledge and skills they acquire.

The course will cover several important topics:
1. Self Discovery
2. Life Skills for Success
3. Obtaining Employment- psychology behind job finding
4. Teamwork- how to successfully collaborate with others in the spirit of teamwork.

Because this is a big, comprehensive course, it will be taught by several Master Trainers; each specializes in an area of expertise.  This course is designed by one of our Master Trainers, Ing Vanni, the main instructor for this course. Students will receive a certificate upon successful completion of this course.

Date: 23 June - 24 August 2013- (10 weekends)
Time: 8:00a.m -12p.m- (Every Sunday)
Venue: Place will be confirmed
Admission: Free
Registration deadline: May 31, 2013 (no later than 5pm)
Max number of participants: 15

Further information, please contact:
1. Mr. Chourb IN,               097- 889- 2005/ 010- 400-902
2. Miss. Lim Kuysan,            010- 717- 783

Find more detail about the course here:Course Description

OUR Former Students

Third Promotion 
1.      Nov Leakhena
2.      Srou Chamroeun
3.      Lim Kuysan
4.      Sar Sarath
5.      Sinh Molika
6.      Touy Keara
7.      Chheng Soknal
8.      Hum Vankhea
9.      Chrin Socheat
10.   Kim Reasey 
11.   Kream theng
Second Promotion
1.        Chak Srey Neang
2.        Heang Tou
3.        Eang songheang
4.        Taing Sopheap
5.        Hem Phin
6.        Son Phanny
7.        Meng Chheanglin
8.        Heng Lyda
9.        San Bunno
10.     Chorp Somaol
11.     Chea Chanmolly
12.     Sor Sythol
13.     Phan Marina
14.     Ing Soriya
15.     Neov Malin
16.     Hok Chakriya
17.     Morn Visal
18.     Be Bunnary
19.     Leav Lina
20.     Soeung Veacha
21.     Sieng Srey Mach
22.     You Sreylaek
23.     Tech Chan Amra
24.     Saut Rachny
25.     Lun Vechheka
26.     Khonh Chantha
27.     Ngim Sreyneath
28.     Song Sopheaktra
29.     Heng Chenda
30.     Soeun Sokkhim

First Promotion
1.      Bun Soknoeun
2.      Eng Nisovan
3.      Phoung Peng Lot
4.      Oem Sochea
5.      Ban Saony
6.      Kroch Sreynou
7.      Pil Channa
8.      Chy Chenda
9.      Hong Naysim
10.   Ly Songaun
11.   Chen Chanthy
12.   Chen Sophea
13.   Ly Rattanak
14.   Serey Haty
15.   Sorn Sokchea
16.   Vong Davorn
17.   Chann Sreyroth
18.   Phan Chesda
19.   Buy Somaly
20.   Chea Sene
21.   Srou Phearem
22.   Chhay Leangchheng
23.   Meng Dara
24.   Lim Phanna
25.   Chourb In
26.   Sous Seyha

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